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The mission of the Rochester Pre-K Programs is to provide a secure and caring environment which encourages children to grow in independence, curiosity, self-confidence, and social skills, as they begin their journey of lifelong learning.

School-Age Care

The School-Age Care Program commits itself to providing enriching experiences for each child in an environment that is safe and conducive to the development of the whole-child.  We believe children should be able to engage in activities that are developmentally appropriate and enhance physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth.


The Enrichment Department offers Adult Programs, Youth Programs, Aquatics/Swimming Programs, Middle School Intramurals, and B.A.S.E.S.


High School Sports Pay-to-Participate, Middle School Sports Pay-to-Participate, etc.

School Fees

Clubs, Field Trips, Parking Passes, Yearbooks, District AP Testing, and R.A.C.E. (Rochester Adult Center for Education)


Summer Programs

Elementary, Middle and Secondary Summer Learning Programs, and Summer Music Theater.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions about programs we offer feel free to contact us.