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Online - Credit
Course Category
About Online - Credit

The RCS Summer Learning Program uses a computer-based learning system called Edgenuity that provides students with another medium for achieving academic credit. Edgenuity allows students to work at their own pace while completing necessary academic courses. Rochester Community Schools does not recommend online courses as preparation for an AP course in the same subject area.

How does online learning work?

  • The mentor will use RCS e-mail to communicate with the students on class days.
  • The mentor's role is to make sure the student is on pace and to answer general questions. The mentor may not be able to support in content area, but will orient students to course and communicate course requirements.
  • The coursework will be accessible the first day of the session.
  • Each online course is designed to be the equivalent of approximately 60 hours of instruction.
  • Students will take notes as part of their online curriculum. Notebooks are considered a vital part of the online learning course. Students are required to take 1 – 1½ pages of notes per section.
  • All coursework, notebooks, and assessments must be completed by 9:00 p.m. the night before the last day of the session. There are no exceptions, extensions or incomplete unless purchased ahead of time.
  • Students’ grades will be based on completing online assessments, their notebooks, and any assigned supplemental materials.